"Brain is mush. I'm surprised it is not oozing out of my ears."
That has been my status many times for finals weeks during college and seminary alike, and I have to admit that the feeling after a week of Missionary Orientation is very similar! At Global Partners Headquarters, I was bombarded with an incredible amount of important information and training to prepare for the months ahead of support team building and preparation for ministry in New Zealand. Also, I was able to interact with several denominational leaders; just rubbing shoulders with these godly leaders was a challenge and encouragement. I suppose my greatest "take-away" from the week was a deepening understanding of the philosophy of support team building. Global Partners refers to this process as Home Ministries because they truly understand it as a season during which missionaries minister to the North American Church. Over the next months, I will have the incredible opportunity to invite people to join God in His work in New Zealand. Also, I will have the privilege of interacting with a large number of churches and fellow believers. I look forward to building new relationships, encouraging God's people, and challenging the Church to continue to pour out for God's global mission!
The week would not have been the same experience without some incredible people God placed in it. First, the GP staff was phenomenal. Second, the other missionaries who went through the training with me became instant, dear friends. Isaac and Amy Thompson are headed to Ecuador, and Sean and Sam Schwarze are going to be with me in the South Pacific Area while serving in Australia. In addition, I was honored to be able to stay at Shunem House with Jim and Jeanette Vermilya. They have become like family to me over the past few years, and I am so glad to have them as my Home Ministries Missionary Pastors. Finally, God blessed me with the opportunity to be reunited with some old, close friends along with making some new ones! God amazed me throughout the week as He set up unexpected divine appointments. There is nothing sweeter than praying with people you love and mutually sharpening one another as believers over meals and even through playing games and laughing together. God is so faithful!
So... now that I have been "oriented," I am ready to jump deeper into this process! May the journey to New Zealand continue!