The room was not as emotionally charged as might be typical of a closing youth camp service. Rather, a climate of serious reflection settled in during those precious moments of honest accountability and powerful, public decision-making. I sat in the back of the closing rally of IGNITE Youth Camp 2014 and watched the slow but steady trickle of campers making their way to the front where a line of youth leaders stood facing them. Each young person who responded took the hand of their local youth leader, looked them in the eyes, and said, “God has made everything right between me and Him.” This was followed by embraces, whispered conversations, and prayer.
From my vantage point at the back of the room, I could not see the faces of the campers as they responded. Instead, I could see the faces of the phenomenal youth leadership team of WMCNZ. I saw the faces of my co-labourers, most of them with constant tears streaming down their faces. Some of the most valued people in my life stood at the front of that room, leaders I whole-heartedly believe in and long to resource, champion, and celebrate. I have the privilege of mentoring several of them; many of them have become my closest friends. They ranged vastly in age and ethnicity, but not in heart. No, they shared one heart as they embraced their young people, as they heard testimonies of transformation and breathed prayers over the precious lives God has entrusted to their leadership and care.
In that moment, tearfully watching these incredible leaders, the Holy Spirit reassured me yet again of just how blessed I am to spend this season of life and ministry in Aotearoa New Zealand.
It was very personally significant for me that our IGNITE Leadership Debrief took place a couple weeks later on the exact date of my two year anniversary in New Zealand. And as I write this article, I am anticipating having much of the team together again at our EMERGE Leadership Retreat, only two days before I board a plane for my first trip back to the USA. Returning to North America to raise financial support for my second and final term as the National Youth Consultant of WMCNZ has caused me to reflect a lot on the past 28 months. I could write endless pages about my journey so far: learning lessons about culture (and making plenty of mistakes along the way,) visiting our churches across the country, preaching to young people, helping plan youth rallies and camps, offering training to youth workers... But ultimately, my reflection boils down to people. Faces. Of course, I see the faces of young people who have stolen my heart; I have been passionate about teenagers since I was one myself, and this has certainly not changed. However, through this time in the South Pacific, God has highlighted a new group of faces to me. The faces of youth pastors, youth leaders, and youth workers who have poured themselves out as drink offerings in the name of Jesus for the young people whom He loves. The faces of young and developing leaders who will shake the South Pacific and beyond with the Good News of God’s Kingdom. The past 28 months are summed up in your faces. To this incredible team of leaders and some of my closest friends, I want to say “Thank you.” Thank you for allowing me to journey with you and be part of your team. Thank you for the privilege of ministering to you and and alongside you. Thank you for serving Jesus selflessly in your local contexts and youth communities. You’re my heroes. And I look forward to our next season together.