Before settling back into my kind-of routine, I journeyed to northern Indiana and Michigan for a few days. I spoke a Wednesday night and Sunday morning at Ohio Street Wesleyan Church in Columbus, IN. While this church is technically in the IN South district, it was north for me. :) I also met up with some GP friends and staff, spent a couple nights at Shunem House in Noblesville, and visited good friends and a church in Michigan. It was a very enjoyable journey! The people at Ohio Street were phenomenal--I really felt like I was able to build a relationship with them and several joined the team. By the end of the trip, however, I could tell I had been on the road for LONG time. The idea of not living out of a suitcase for a while was very appealing.
This past week, I subbed four days and caught up with people around home. This weekend was full! Saturday was Mudfest 2011, a gathering of community youth groups hosted by Uncommon student ministries. The entire event is centered around, well,... mud. Check out the pictures for yourself!
The day after Mudfest, I left for Kentucky where I spoke to three Wesleyan congregations about NZ--Cloverport Wesleyan, Wellman Memorial Wesleyan, and Atwood Wesleyan. I then stayed the night in Louisville with some good friends. My time in Kentucky was well-spent! I'm excited to welcome new people onto the team from there! :)
This week, I am trying to get my life in order. My house is a disaster area from all the traveling over the last months. Also, I am trying to get things ready for a yard sale fundraiser my home church is sponsoring in a week and a half for New Zealand, subbing, getting back in the swing of youth ministry, and setting up more fundraising meetings. This weekend, I will be speaking in Paoli, IN. Also, I already have one meeting set up with individuals. Please keep the prayers coming! I'm currently at 41% and anticipating God to do great things in the near future!