Before settling back into my kind-of routine, I journeyed to northern Indiana and Michigan for a few days. I spoke a Wednesday night and Sunday morning at Ohio Street Wesleyan Church in Columbus, IN. While this church is technically in the IN South district, it was north for me. :) I also met up with some GP friends and staff, spent a couple nights at Shunem House in Noblesville, and visited good friends and a church in Michigan. It was a very enjoyable journey! The people at Ohio Street were phenomenal--I really felt like I was able to build a relationship with them and several joined the team. By the end of the trip, however, I could tell I had been on the road for LONG time. The idea of not living out of a suitcase for a while was very appealing.
This past week, I subbed four days and caught up with people around home. This weekend was full! Saturday was Mudfest 2011, a gathering of community youth groups hosted by Uncommon student ministries. The entire event is centered around, well,... mud. Check out the pictures for yourself!
The day after Mudfest, I left for Kentucky where I spoke to three Wesleyan congregations about NZ--Cloverport Wesleyan, Wellman Memorial Wesleyan, and Atwood Wesleyan. I then stayed the night in Louisville with some good friends. My time in Kentucky was well-spent! I'm excited to welcome new people onto the team from there! :)
This week, I am trying to get my life in order. My house is a disaster area from all the traveling over the last months. Also, I am trying to get things ready for a yard sale fundraiser my home church is sponsoring in a week and a half for New Zealand, subbing, getting back in the swing of youth ministry, and setting up more fundraising meetings. This weekend, I will be speaking in Paoli, IN. Also, I already have one meeting set up with individuals. Please keep the prayers coming! I'm currently at 41% and anticipating God to do great things in the near future!
This is so fun to watch how your life progresses! It seems so full and so productive for the kingdom and for relationships. That mud thing looks really fun!