Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Time to Process, Anyone?

Talk about a whirlwind.  It seems like it was just last week that I was praying for 75% funding.  Now, I'm fully funded, visa in hand, and flights booked!  In just a few days (Mon., Jan. 30th), I will leave from the Indianapolis airport, New Zealand bound.  I am so excited and ready to do this.  I've been waiting for four and a half years to realize the call to overseas service God placed on my heart.  Yet with all the waiting, it seems like these last few months have gone so fast.  Pieces have been put in place and processes set in motion at God-speed, and now I feel like I can't process it all!  I'm sure the next two years will bring valleys and mountaintops, moments of apparent defeat and seasons of fruit and contentment.  Some days it will feel like forever, but two years from now I'll wonder how it could already be over.

Jesus, You've led me by the hand since I fully surrendered my life to your call when I was twelve years old.  Holy Spirit, You have poured Yourself into me, empowering me to live the way You desire.  Father, you have been so faithful.  Please enable me to live out your heart for the Kiwi people.  Show me how to love students and leaders, how to move according to your vision for the Church in New Zealand, and how to keep Your kingdom first in every way.  God--You've done this.  Now I'm trusting You to use me and these two years in a way only You can.  Here we go!!!!!!

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