Friday, November 4, 2011

As Good as Dead

The following is an excerpt from an email I just sent to a missionary friend. After explaining to her what God has shown me, I thought I should share it with all of you too!

The Holy Spirit keeps bringing a passage of Scripture to my mind from Romans 4 about Abraham's faith. It says in verse 19, "He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body, which was as good as dead,... or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah's womb." It goes on to say that he actually was STRENGTHENED in his faith! I've been thinking about this a lot... Abraham didn't consider his own body as good as dead when God first gave him the promise. He proved that with the whole Hagar incident. It was only after years of waiting and realizing that he could do NOTHING to fulfill the promise that his faith was strengthened through counting himself as good as dead. I feel like this is my testimony of the process God has taken me through in support raising! At first, I thought I had to raise support. Now, I realize that I am as good as dead! And my faith is stronger! How awesome is this!?

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