Wednesday, November 2, 2011

51% Party!!!!!

Let's throw a party together! We just hit 51% Faith Promise! I'm so excited to pass the halfway point, but I'm also still greatly anticipating reaching the milestone of 75% THIS MONTH! Like I said before, this is a serious faith endeavor, but I totally believe our God is ABLE and WILLING to do it! Please keep praying for those people God has called to partner with me in this work to sense and obey that call! This week, Faith Promises have been coming in on a daily basis--I am so encouraged!!!

Kingdom Come Training, the training I started Monday about partnering with others in God's work to reach the nations, is going well. It has already been a source of encouragement and renewed boldness and zeal for the team building process. Thank you all for the prayers--please keep them coming!!!! Also, if you are feeling led to learn more about what it might look like for you to partners with me in this work, I would love to meet with you whether in person or via skype or the phone. Please let me know!, 812-779-7282


  1. Wow - that's fantastic - you are over the hump and now its "downhill" to 100% so you can come down under.

    See you soon!!

  2. Peter--I am SO ready! :) Thanks for the encouragement!!!
