Monday, November 21, 2011

Refreshed and Ready!

I have not felt so enthused and ready for New Zealand.... ever! Here are my reasons.

  1. Revival! I was able to be in revival services at my home church. It was AWESOME, and God has been working revival in my spirit for a while now, including giving me victory over some things that have been struggling with for a long time. Praise Jesus!
  2. Encouraged about Partnership Development! I am so motivated by the increase in support and having completed Kingdom Come Training. I love meeting with people, inviting them to join the team, and I am confident that God will meet all my needs in time to be in NZ in January if it is His will.
  3. I was able to stay in one town for a week and a half! It's amazing how a respite from travel refreshes me physically and emotionally!
  4. I am enthused about upcoming opportunities! I will be on the road a LOT over the next couple weeks, and I am sure God will do great things!
  5. It is the season of Thanksgiving, and I am thankful... for God's work in my life, His faithfulness to His people, the opportunity to be with friends and family, and the privilege of serving the Kingdom.
  6. I got a haircut that I love! It might be superficial, but I was so thankful for a coupon for a cheap cut, being able to donate my hair to Locks of Love, and getting a fun new "do" on my birthday!

Above: Picture of me with my Grandmother at my family birthday dinner.

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